From Around the World

    I have been special blessed with IAEC ministrie receiving encouragement and teaching when I (my wife) and other two militaries from our MEP portuguese MCF attended the conference in 24-28 May 2010 In Argita Camp at Romania. (Samuel from Portugal)

    "The IAEC, bringing the Chaplain Basic Course in South America, has ignited a new gasp to formalize the legality of Evangelical Christianity within the Armed Forces." (Omar from Peru)

    Praise the Living God. Chaplain Interaction Program helped us in Uganda because we started a women's ministry, Military Wives Christian Fellowship. We fellowship once a month, every first Sunday of the month. The number is growing and we do believed God will enable us to visit all our barracks in our country. I attended Chaplain Interaction in 2008 and as soon as I came back I called a friend and we stated. It started with two members, now we are more that 50 members. (Ruth from Uganda)

    I joined IAEC in 2004 during the world Conference in Seoul, South Korea. Immediately I returned to Kenya, my lovely wife went to be with the Lord and the encouragement I received from IAEC Praying Partners worldwide was a blessing to me and my family. IAEC reports remind me to track my Vision and hold on my calling in East Africa of sharing Christ in the Military in the power of the Holy Spirit. God bless all Members and Partners in the Ministry. (Simon from Kenya)

    My role as endorser for the C&MA has been enhanced by, encouraged by and expanded by my connections with IAEC. Jim Edgren encouraged me to be involved in this many years ago and I am glad I followed through on this challenge. Back then I was not sure what to expect and I was actually still on active duty when we discussed it. IAEC was discussed at every NAE meeting and at our EUROPEAN RETREATS NAE used to have. I miss those!! I believe IAEC has kept our purposes and mission clear and on target. God has blessed us with great leadership and individuals capable of doing His work in His ways. I am honored to know so many wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ as a direct result of being a small part of IAEC. (Bob Collins from the United States, Endorsing Agent, Christian Missionary and Alliance)

    Doy gracias al Señor por la creación de la AIEC en 1997. Fiel a su llamado provee capacitación para los que ejercen el trabajo de Capellán, cada año continúa alentado y capacitando a los miembros de los CCM’s para que puedan cumplir el llamado del Señor “Establecer la paz interior del Solado por medio de Jesucristo”. En el momento que fue creado el Servicio de Capellanía del Ejército de Guatemala, AIEC fue uno de los primeros que se acercó para bridar capacitación a los Capellanes Militares (Católicos y Evangélicos). Es de hacer notar que en este primer curso en Guatemala, también se invitó a miembros de la Policía Nacional Civil quienes al graduarse en este primer grupo, formarían posteriormente la Capellanía de la Policía, naciendo así la oficina de Valor y Servicio. Quiero agradecer a catedráticos y a los ofrendantes que sostienen el ministerio de AIEC, nuestro Padre lo recompensará grandemente. (Joaquín H. Maldonado - Director de Militares Cristianos de Guatemala)

    La Región Centro América de AMCF (Centro América, Cuba, México, Panamá y República Dominicana), se ha visto beneficiada por la Asociación Internacional de Capellanes Evangélicos (AICE); cientos de Militares y Policías han sido capacitados para llevar las Buenas Nuevas de Jesucristo a los uniformados de sus países. En nombre de los Compañerismos Cristianos de la Región Centro América de AMCF, damos gracias a nuestro Señor y Salvador pues envió a sus siervos a animar y capacitar a los militares y policías que ya fungen como capellanes. (Coronel Joaquín Maldonado VP de AMCF Región Centro América)

    Feedback from Chaplain Interaction 2013
    What did you like most about Chaplain Interaction?

    The class on the universal principles of chaplaincy was very useful because we are just beginning to organize our chaplains ministry. Also the round table discussions, learning from others’ experiences, marriage retreat, commander-chaplain relationships. (South America)

    I especially liked the explanation on chaplain’s ministry in the hospital, the unit, and the prison. Also the marriage retreat. (Asia)

    My favorite parts of Chaplain Interaction were the Marriage Retreat, Inductive Bible study, Suicide Prevention, Working in a Pluralistic Society and Working with Parachurch Ministries. (Asia)

    Learning how a chaplain works on a commander’s staff was very helpful. Also learning about working in a pluralistic setting and about chaplain assistants was very good. (Asia)

    Leadership, marriage retreats, chaplains roles, chaplain/commander relationship, ethics/code of conduct, and inductive Bible study were what I liked most about Chaplain Interaction. (Africa)

    What I liked best about Chaplain Interaction were the marriage related classes as there is a great need to strengthen families, especially post-Afghanistan; I also enjoyed learning how other countries use their chaplaincy. (North America)

    The fellowship of brethren from different parts of the world and exposure to diversity in the military chaplaincy was what I liked best. (Africa)

    How will Chaplain Interaction affect your ministry and how will you use the information?

    I’m going to include in our practices conversational prayer, military Bible study, work more with wives and officers, use the veterans helping the military chaplains in my country, To remember to do for one what you wish to do for all. (South America)

    I will try to persuade members to apply inductive Bible study and pay attention to military families. (Asia)

    God gave me the dream in this program – we have to have chaplaincy in army and police in my country. (Asia)

    I will share it with my counterparts back home. (Africa)

    I will focus on helping enable marriage enrichment programming. (North America)

    I will henceforth take my ministry to the soldiers where they are. I will also take ministry to the sick and needy more seriously. (Africa)

    Miscellaneous Comments from the wives:

    My heart is so glad. I am pleased I can take interesting material back home wives and then spend more time in worshipping and praying together and understanding each other’s problems. I liked it all. (Asia)

    I especially benefited from the "Chaplain Wife to Chaplains Wives". I enjoyed interacting with ladies from different countries and different languages. (South America)

    The lessons / topics covered empowered and enforced / drove in the principles and lessons covered during our time in the Joint Base Lewis McChord, and once a principle has been correctly put and makes perfect sense it stays with. We now have to apply what we have learned. (Africa)